I know I always have a quick chat about the weather… but wow! I think I’ve practically melted each afternoon these past few weeks! It’s definitely slowed me down mini making!
Both lawns, front and back look like great big pieces of coconut matting, rather than the usual emerald green – and usually quite lush given our Yorkshire weather. Clear blue skies each day… unbelievable… no doubt when it does rain, it will be thunderous lightning battles above and on the horizons, then the inevitable flash flooding as always when we get this kind of drought.
Well, I said I’d keep you posted on the pineapples; and all is good – but I will wait until I have a display put together, or kindly post an image of the current commissioned silver fruit filled bowl, if I obtain permission – these newer versions of my pineapples are so much better though! much more detailed, anyway enough of me being a tease…
I bought some Japanese Clay to try out; and eagerly await it’s arrival, I’m guessing it’ll be another week before I get to play. I’m often asked what type of clay I use – mainly Fimo, I do use Sculpey Primo too for a different end result, as I find it has a different texture after curing. I can only describe it by saying Fimo is smoother, very very slightly waxier when I use it – whereby Sculpey seems to be more chalky and slightly less soft when sculpting. I have some Kato too, I havent tried it yet though, I need to experiment with it. I need to know the end result before anything is available for collectors… experiment I shall, when time allows.
That’s it for today and I’m sharing a little bit of fun I had with some Parsley Pots last Autumn, bye for now and prepare for rain haha!